pivot tables on bigfoot

Gabriella Onessimo
2 min readOct 6, 2021

Personally, I don’t know if I necessarily believe in Bigfoot. In the Bigfoot sightings data across the United States, over 4000 people do. Are they really seeing Bigfoot or just any other creature? What environmental aspects (other than it being near the woods) are leading to these sightings? Are over 4000 people just making up stories for their own thrill? This data brings so many questions to mind.

I asked my boyfriend during which season he thought the most Bigfoot sightings took place. He said winter, because that’s when Bigfoot might have more confidence to move about with less humans roaming around his habitat on their hikes and lake trips. This made sense to me, as if Bigfoot had the intelligence to pick up on human behavior. But when comparing the summer seasons to the winter seasons, there were more than 1000 more sightings in the summer than winter.

I guess that goes to show that as more people find themselves in wooded areas, exposure to the beast is more likely. Maybe he feels extra confident in the summertime and wants to show his summer bod off to awestruck human beings. Why am I continuing to ascribe these human characteristics to Bigfoot? Many people like to go on adventures in the summer, and a Bigfoot encounter makes for a fun campfire story.

